
For adults and teens 16+ in New York City and State



Eating Disorders

You’re restricting, purging, binging, overexercising, or obsessing about food, exercise or your weight all the time. You feel like you have to be losing weight, need to start a new diet or workout plan, or constantly believe something is wrong with your body. 

You believe your life can’t start until you lose weight, get to your “goal” weight, or you are fully recovered. Your eating, body, or weight holds you back from engaging in life experiences, like seeing friends, going on dates, or even leaving your home. You’re feeling overwhelmed by how often you think or obsess about your body, food, or weight. Maybe you’ve even stopped engaging in disordered eating behaviors, but you just can’t seem to stop the thoughts about food and your body. 


Emotions are what help us navigate the world, but if emotions can’t be felt they are played out in the body.

We believe that full recovery from any Eating Disorder, or disordered eating issue is possible. We don’t think you are “too sick” or not “sick enough” to get help and support. Eating Disorders don’t have a specific “look.” The truth is anyone, at any size, can experience an issue with food and their bodies. Since Eating Disorders are often missed, or overlooked in the medical field, we understand how difficult it is to finally reach out and ask for help. Eating disorders are issues of one’s anxiety and the need for constant control, in a world that feels very chaotic. You might think you can do this on your own. We’re here to tell you that you don’t have it. 

We know individuals with Eating Disorders, or disordered eating can minimize, or even normalize what is going on for them. Our society and the people around us often encourage and idealize weight loss and equate health with body size. It’s extremely hard and very frustrating to try and recover when you feel like everywhere you turn someone is dieting, working out, or making a “lifestyle change.”

Ways an Eating Disorder can present may look similar, but we are more interested in the reason why you’ve developed this way of coping, and how your Eating Disorder has been serving you. This means we won’t just slap a label, or diagnosis on you. Issues with eating are a way a person copes with emotions that are too difficult to be felt. We work to build curiosity, understanding and compassion during your recovery process, so healing can be possible for you. 

Our ultimate wish for you is to find meaning and purpose in your life, outside of your external body.



We Can Help With

  • Anorexia: all types; Restricting type, Purging type; Atypical Anorexia. 

  • Bulimia.

  • Binge Eating Disorder (with or without restriction).

  • Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) and Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders (OSFED); Meaning maybe you experiencing a mixture of restricting, binging, purging, over-exercising, or don’t specifically fall into another Eating Disorder diagnosis (Reminder: Diagnoses are literally just labels: this doesn’t mean you don’t deserve treatment if you are struggling with your relationship with food, or your body)

  • Yo-Yo or Chronic dieting.

  • Orthorexia [the obsession with overly healthy or clean eating, and exercising; i.e. You only can eat organic foods, or foods that are deemed “good for your health”  to feel safe around eating].

  • Body image issues or concerns.

  • Disordered Eating, or eating issues.

  • Obsessive over-exercising.

  • Obsessive thoughts and/or feelings around food, even if you aren’t engaging in your Eating Disorder or disorder eating.



Personality Concerns

You experience feelings ranging from anxiety to depression, but they often shift fairly quickly and suddenly. One hour you feel great, and the next hour it feels like your world is ending- doom sets in about your life and future, you become completely hopeless and your life feels like it’s over. You can’t seem to control the intensity of your emotions, and have no real understanding about what sets them off. 

At times feelings become so strong that you feel like life has dealt you a bad hand, and there’s just no hope for you- you feel helpless to your emotions. You don’t know what’s going on with you, but it often feels like internal or external chaos or drama follows you wherever you go, and you aren’t quite sure why. All of these quickly shifting emotions create real discomfort in your daily life and how you navigate relationships with others. Things just keep going wrong, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. You might find yourself frequently asking “is it me or them?!”


There’s something inside you that you know feels “off” and nothing else has helped.

You’ve tried different types of therapies, or have read a plethora of self help books, but nothing seems to truly bring you relief. You experience anxiety, depression, maybe an Eating Disorder, or other addictive and harmful behaviors, but you know that’s not the only thing going on for you. 

We believe that what you are going through has probably been going on for many years, and has shown up to different degrees, and intensities, throughout your life. Sometimes it might have felt manageable, and at other times, not so much. We imagine this emotional rollercoaster way of living has left you mentally and physically exhausted, and at times completely hopeless- no one understands you, and worse you struggle understanding yourself. 

We know in order to feel better, you will have to face some truths within yourself, so together we’ll help you learn how to feel your emotions, without becoming overwhelmed, or getting lost in them. We encourage engagement in this process, by talking and learning about you. This will create and strengthen your own ability to make connections about your life, and interpersonal relationships. This work does take time, and patience, so we do ask for you to be gentle with yourself, therapy is hard work!



We Can Help With

  • Your emotions are constantly up and down with no warning. Nothing seems to set them off but they are intolerable, and it’s difficult to ground or soothe yourself in these moments.

  • Others have described you as “too much”, or needing a lot of attention. 

  • You tend to take things very personally. Sometimes it feels like everyone hates you, or you relive what you’ve said in a conversation over and over again to the point of panic and despair. You feel the world is against you.

  • You often feel chaos or drama follows you wherever you go. You can’t seem to stop getting involved at some level, even if it’s not directly related to you.

  • You’ve noticed your relationships with others (partners, friends, family members, or co-workers) pose frequent challenges. You have trouble making lasting connections with people. Relationships often “fall off,” or you are constantly” ghosted” by others. 

  • You are easily “set off,” feeling agitated and wronged by others. This can look like starting fights with those closest to you, then quickly trying to make things better because you are afraid they might leave you, for good this time. 

  • When in the company of others you overshare information, as an attempt to feel more connected or relatable but you end up taking up all the space in a conversation.



Anxiety & Anxiety-Related Disorders (OCD, Panic Attacks)

Anxiety can present in many different ways. Maybe you’ve recently noticed anxiety showing up in a way that’s interfering with your daily life. Or it might be that you've always been an anxious person, so not being anxious actually can feel scary. You may not even be able to imagine life without anxiety. You’ve been experiencing overwhelming, extreme, or intense feelings of anxiety or panic that make it almost impossible to function, and you feel like you are just barely keeping it together.

You’ve lived in a state of fear, or on guard for so long, that not having these feelings almost doesn’t feel normal to you. This doesn’t mean you don’t want relief, it means your anxiety has served a purpose in your life, a protective one, one that masks other feelings about yourself that might be too tough to think or talk about.


Together, we’ll work on understanding the history of your anxiety, and how it’s playing out in your everyday life.

Then we will look at ways to help you cope. We believe that the mind and body are connected, so developing ways to self-soothe, and ground yourself is an important part of the process. We want you to feel safe within your own body and mind, so we’ll work together to implement ways to do this, while getting to know what it is about your anxiety that feels protective. 

We will also try to figure out if there are certain people, places, or things that create more anxious moments for you, and how to become more aware of what creates these moments. Taking time to really look at your anxiety, and feel mastery over it, rather than fear will help you feel more contentment and calmness in your life.



We Can Help With

  • Anxiety that never really goes away, it feels like it’s always there, and you are constantly in a state of fear.

  • Obsessive thoughts and feelings that feel unmanageable and intrusive to your daily living.

  • You’ve had panic attacks, or experience them often, and are constantly feeling like at any moment another one will occur. You are scared you’ll have a panic attack in a public place and this feeling of being on guard has become exhausting.

  • You fear being around others, or in social situations.

  • You are exhausted, both physically and mentally by your fear and anxiety, and medications haven’t done the “trick.”

  • Recent events in the world have left you experiencing uncontrollable worry, and fear for your future.

  • You might be experiencing intrusive feelings and thoughts that lead to behaviors that make you feel more in control of our surroundings.

  • You feel like something bad will happen to you, or is always about to happen to you, or the people in your life.





Depression can feel like the world around you doesn’t exist, it becomes all encompassing and feeling hopeless starts to feel like the norm. This can leave you feeling paralyzed, and the heaviness becomes overwhelming. Getting out of bed in the morning, hey, let’s be honest, doing anything feels like a feat.

Depression can look different, depending on the person and what they are experiencing. Just like Eating Disorders there is no “look” to someone suffering with depression. We know that many people who are struggling with depressive thoughts and feelings are usually silently suffering in very overwhelming emotional states. We know you want relief, and to feel better as quickly as possible.


Together, we’ll work to help you recognize what is going on around the weight of the painful feelings you’re experiencing and what might be contributing to these emotions.

By understanding what occurs for you when you're feeling very low, alone, or hopeless, you can start recognizing what changes inside you, from moment to moment, and challenge the heaviness of your thoughts that keep you stuck in agony.

Finding ways to cultivate more hope and contentment in your life guides our work. By fostering small, sustainable shifts within you, you’ll be able to show up for yourself in more consistent ways that aren’t dictated by your depression.



We Can Help With

  • Depressive thoughts and feelings.

  • Passive feelings of not wanting to be alive, or always feeling like you’re a burden to the people in your life.

  • Intense feelings of loneliness and hopelessness.

  • Difficulty sleeping, concentrating, eating and maintaining personal hygiene.





You’ve been struggling with unresolved trauma that you have been scared to talk, or even think about. This can look like increased feelings of hopelessness about your life, depressed thoughts or feelings, and even increasing anxiety and panic attacks. You might even feel like you were the cause of the trauma you experienced. You experience flashbacks from your past that leave you overwhelmed, panicked and even dissociated from reality.

Trauma can happen to anyone, in both big and small ways. You may be thinking that you “didn’t have it too bad” or that your pain “at least isn’t as bad” as someone else's. Whatever you are struggling with, you deserve to feel seen, heard and most of all to have your experiences validated. We'll help you process through the pain you felt then, and now.


Together, we’ll figure out how your trauma is affecting your present life, maybe in your intimate, or romantic relationships, but most of all how it’s affected building a healthy relationship with yourself.

We know this work is extremely scary and overwhelming, that is why we take things slow and at your own pace. We’ll start by respecting and being attuned to where you are in your individual process. Boundaries are one of the most important values to us as therapists, and we will help you learn how to set boundaries in your life to keep you safe, and protected.

Our main priority in our work will be to create a sense of physical and emotional safety. We have therapists in our practice that specialize in treating trauma from different treatment modalities. We will figure out together what would be the best fit for your individual needs.



We Can Help With

  • Unresolved childhood trauma; this doesn’t just mean big traumas, but also ones that might even feel insignificant to you but actually had a major impact on your development.

  • You’ve experienced being sexualized, sexual assault, or abuse in your life. 

  • You’ve been emotionally, physically or psychologically neglected.

  • You have family members, parents, other caregivers who used you as an emotional punching bag. They might be struggling with mental health issues of their own that were never addressed but you were left feeling unseen, unheard, maybe even invisible. 

  • You have parents, caregivers, or family members who struggle with diagnosed personality concerns and this led to emotional abuse or neglect, and now you struggle with ways to cope in your adult life.



Life Transitions

Maybe you aren’t sure where to go from here in your life, or you’re not sure what the next step to take is, don’t worry we can help! Transitions are actually a part of everyday life, for everyone. A transition for one person can look like getting out of bed in the morning, where for someone else it’s moving to a new city or state. Pretty much all of our lives are built around transitions. Walking to the train, stepping from the outside into your home, you get where we're going with this.

Transitions can affect you in a variety of ways, from anxiety, fear, pain, anger to frustration. The size of the transition isn’t as important as how it’s affecting you– this is where we come in.


Together, we’ll get to know how you handle, or have handled similar experiences in the past.

You’ve likely dealt with transitions before and have untapped resilience within you. For example, if you are facing a transition like becoming a first-time mom, obviously this is new territory for you.

Even if these bigger life events feel more overwhelming, remember that transitions are universal and you have actually dealt with them before. We’ll explore why what you are experiencing now feels “too big” and help you find relief. 



We Can Help With

  • You just started college, graduate school or are going back to school to change career paths.

  • You are just entering the workforce for the first time  since graduating school, and are struggling with the stressors of being a “real” adult.

  • You just moved to NYC and are feeling a bit lost and lonely.

  • You recently had a breakup or divorce and are feeling scared to start dating, or “putting yourself out there”. The idea of going on dating apps is making you anxious and feels daunting.

  • You are pregnant, or recently had a baby, and are feeling all the “feels”, lots of joy and love, but also fear and overwhelm about becoming, or being a new parent.


Take back your power today by scheduling a free 15 minute consultation phone call.